Dolatshahi Systems Immunology Lab @ UVA
"We develop new systems biology approaches to understand fundamental mechanisms of immune regulation and dysregulation, with an ultimate objective of identifying strategies to design and improve immunotherapies."
Research in the Dolatshahi lab combines multiplex experimental measurements with computational methods (including statistical machine learning, network inference, information theory, signal processing and kinetic-dynamic modeling) to solve problems in the context of cancer, infectious disease and maternal-neonatal immunology.
Thinking of joining our lab?
The Dolatshahi lab is looking for talented, enthusiastic, and diverse members to join their efforts. The lab’s priority is to provide training to highly motivated engineers and scientists who tackle real-world problems that closely impact people’s lives - and to have fun while doing so! Prospective graduate students are encouraged to contact her: sdolatshahi@virginia.edu
Graduate Students: We accept graduate student applications through the Department of Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. Program and the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (BIMS). Students interested in Systems Biology, Cancer Immunity, Computational Biology, Glycobiology, Biomedical Data Sciences, and Neonatal-Maternal Immunology are encouraged to contact Dr. Dolatshahi at sdolatshahi@virginia.edu with their resume/CV to discuss possible projects. Students with interest in working at the interface of experimental and computational immunology are particularly encouraged to apply.
Postdoctoral Fellows: Highly motivated postdoctoral research candidates with strong background in experimental molecular and cellular biology/immunology (or a related discipline) and interest in learning computational methods are particularly encouraged to apply. Candidates with bioengineering or systems biology background and previous wet-lab experience are also strongly encouraged to apply. Candidates interested in postdoctoral research projects at the intersection of systems biology and immunology should send their CV and list of references to Dr. Dolatshahi at sdolatshahi@virginia.edu.